Under 21 & Open

Nominations are sought for players to represent Brisbane Indoor at the Hockey Qld State Indoor Championships scheduled to be held in Brisbane (KSHS) from 8 am 27th Sept. till 5 pm on Sunday 29th Sept.'24 (being 3 full days of competition).

  • Nominations via RevSport Events
  • Only players born in 2006 or earlier (HQ policy) who are Primary registered & playing in BIHL competition are eligible for selection
  • Players are responsible for their own transport to, from & during the state titles, food plus any accommodation
  • Selected players will incur a $ 70 charge to offset BIHL costs (ie. HQ Team Entry Fee, Umpires & Tech)
  • Playing uniforms:
    • Males - singlets will be supplied with BHA playing shorts & socks (Navy & Yellow) required.
    • Females - singlets will be supplied with own plain black shorts / skirts & BWHA socks (Cherry & Yellow) required.

Selection / Training sessions

  • Woman
    • Session # 1 - Tues. 17th Sept. from 6 pm till 7.30 pm
    • Session # 2 - Thurs. 19th Sept. from 6 pm till 7.30 pm
  • Men
    • Session # 1 - Tues. 17th Sept. from 7.30 pm till 9 pm
    • Session # 2 - Thurs. 19th Sept. from 7.30 pm till 9 pm


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